A year from now into the COVID-19 pandemic, according to UNESCO, there were 570,000 schools partially open, and hybrid classes became the new normality. 

It’s difficult for most students to stay laser-sharp focused during online classes. There are social media, TV, streaming platforms, and overall distractions that keep us from being productive, and in the end, not learning well enough.

Here are some tips to make the most out of your online classes:

Stick to your routine: Wake up at the same time as you did for normal classes. Before the class starts, make sure to have breakfast and change into your everyday clothes, that will make your mind prepare to focus and be fully awake.

Plan your schedule: Once you know your classes scheduled during the day and your tutoring sessions through Linc’s virtual classroom, make sure to take 10-minute breaks between each activity, that will keep your mind fresh and ready for the next assignment. 

Prioritize: Keep track of your projects, exams, and assignments to deliver, so you don’t miss anything and keep up to date. With Linc, scheduling tutoring sessions with tutors from your own college is easy, make sure to take advantage of the technology provided by your institution. 

Discover how your mind works: Identity which type of learning resonates more with your personality:

  • If you learn better through reading or writing (literacy), underline keywords, write your notes in a notebook, not on the computer or tablet, and make sure to read your notes multiple times.
  • If you retain more information through listening, then record your class, listen to audiobooks, videos on streaming platforms or podcasts, and review the material as many times as needed.
  • If you retain more information through images and visuals, do schemes, drawings, and use lots of colors.

With these tricks and the help provided by your Student Success Center through the digital platform of Linc, you will have more than enough resources to make the most out of your classes without being pressured by other responsibilities.

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