Last year COVID-19 came along as an unexpected visitor to the world. Higher education institutions had to close down their campuses and cancel classes due to the coronavirus outbreak. This pandemic made the system rethink its operations to sustain the safety and health of its students. In response, institutions had to switch classes to online learning and encourage abroad students to return to their homes to finish their studies.

One of the biggest concerns is the impact of the coronavirus in the international education sector, according to the Institute of International Education (IIE) before COVID-19 the U.S. had reached the highest number of international students with more than one million. Only taking into account Chinese international students, a Covid-19 Survey by the IIE stated that 37 percent of students were unable to return to the U.S. from China to complete their studies.

In addition, it has not been easy for the students since some have been forced to sacrifice their education due to the impact of the pandemic on their families’ finances, and consequently were not able to pay full tuition for online classes. Colleges and Universities are trying to avoid a decrease in enrollment while trying to keep everyone safe.

Biden’s administration is putting a lot of effort and resources into higher education by making it one of the most urgent matters to take forward during his mandate; it is expected to have as a result an increase in student opportunities and enrollment.

Nowadays, higher education institutions are emerging stronger than ever with hybrid learning. They have maximized online learning by adjusting their programs and integrating robust systems. Also have increased interaction with students through their centers of tutoring and advising. Linc is the most effective tool in maintaining and keeping student retention; it offers an automated connection between students and tutors/advisors from their own school, making the processes and reporting as easy as ever.